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Community Principles

1. Treat your fellow peers and Faculty with the same level of respect you would seek for yourself. 


2. You will be over 18+ years of age in real life. There will be adult content occasionally, though it is not the focus.


3. Child avatars are not allowed. Period. This is an adult sim with occasional adult content and themes. This is as defined by Linden Labs an avatar that has childlike facial features, is child-sized, this also pertains to appearing as a minor, meaning underdeveloped features and small size.


4. Don't be a jerk. Do not harass people, intentionally cause issues, or bully. This is grounds for immediate administrative action, resulting in demotion, suspension, and finally expulsions. The selected administrative method will be judged and decided by the School Board consisting of the Headmistress, her Advisors, and the Deputy Head. 


5. Alts are allowed but you will make us aware of them upon enrollment to students or hire into faculty out of courtesy to your peers.


6. Sky Haven Academy is based in realism. Elements of fantasy such as but not limited to: mythological creatures, anthropomorphic (furry), or magical beings such as wizards, vampires or fairies are immersion breaking and not aligned with the school feel and theme.


7. Be considerate of and respect people's limits, discipline consent forms, and their comfort levels. Do not cross or overstep consent with pushiness, it will not be tolerated.


8. There will be no racism, sexism, homophobic behavior, xenophobia or any other form of prejudice. 


9. No attitudes or jokes making light of or in support of rape, kidnapping, or domestic violence.


10. No shaming. Whether it be gender shaming, kink shaming, age shaming, fat shaming or other forms, it is unacceptable. A warning will be issued and repeat offenses will be cause for dismissal.


11. Minimize drama. If you have an issue with anybody, Student, Guest or Faculty we can do several things on different levels.


1. Handle on the lowest level and escalate as necessary. If the person that there is drama or problems around can be reasoned with please try. If they cannot then escalate. Prefects, Headgirl, Faculty, Deputy Head and then Headmistress.


2. If you are unconfident in your ability to handle it yourself, reach out to somebody in leadership and we will schedule a mediated discussion to address concerns and quickly resolve the problem.


3. Anonymously report a situation if you aren't comfortable or fear reprisal. This is when all other steps have failed and it should not be overused. Please note that all reports of drama or problems will be kept anonymous unless the individual reporting makes it known.


Note: For more severe cases administrative actions and different approaches will be decided and handled by the Headmistress and Disciplinary committee as deemed necessary.


12. There will be no weapons or weapon use of any kind. No exceptions. Anything can be considered a weapon if you use it like a weapon. 


13. There will be no Ageplay in any shape of form on the Sky Haven Academy Campus. Any instance where this rule is broken will result in an immediate removal from Sky Haven Academy.


14. You will abide by Secondlife TOS, the school does not condone deviations and will protect itself and its members from those who endanger the school by breaking the TOS.

Sky Haven Academy

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