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Dress & Appearance

1. Uniforms will be worn during the school week beginning at 7:00AM - 4:00pm SLT on Monday thru Friday during the school week. Uniforms do not need to be worn on the weekend. The weekend is between the last class on Friday until 7:00am SLT on Monday. You may ask permission to be out of uniform on campus during the school week. 


2. Uniform wear will be required in the Dormitory Common spaces during the School week within School hours which are 7:00amSLT - 4:00pmSLT, Monday through Friday. While on the Second Floor Student Dorm Bedrooms uniforms are not required or mandatory unless specifically instructed by a member of Faculty.


3. There are no designated uniform shoes, however there are specifications. The shoes will be formal or semi-formal, black in color and flat footed. Heels are not allowed while in uniform. Uniform socks will be in traditional colors, white or black.


4. School uniforms will always be worn in the classroom during a class even for weekend classes. Outside of class times when casual dress is allowed you do not need to be in uniform just because you are in the classroom.


5. Tattoos are allowed but will not be visible in uniform. Rule of thumb with this is no tattoos on any part of your body that you can't cover with your uniform. Face, neck, hands, feet will not be allowed. You may wear an undershirt, or opaque pantyhose to cover up tattoos while in uniform as long as they are in traditional and appropriate colors. White or Black. Tattoos are allowed to be freely visible while out of uniform.


6. Jewelry in excess is not permitted, facial piercings, lip, nose, eyebrow is not permitted for students. Earrings, bracelets, rings and necklaces are allowed with moderation. 


Note: No more than one necklace in uniform, no more than one ring per hand in uniform, no more than one bracelet per wrist in uniform, no more than one piercing per ear while in uniform.

If you are not sure please ask a member of faculty or the Headmistress for approval. 


7. Piercings out of uniform are allowed to be freely expressed but facial piercings or piercings not in your ears in Uniform are not allowed.


8. Make up is allowed but will be modest and not gaudy or clashing with uniform appearance.  This applies to nails as well, meaning dark colors, bright neon or eye-catching tones are not allowed unless explicitly approved. Nails will be clear polish and no color in uniform. No black lipstick or dark clashing colors will be allowed in uniform, if you are told to take off a shade of lipstick by a faculty member you will be expected to do so. Make up is allowed to be freely expressed while out of uniform.


9. Hair will be kept tidy and natural in color, there will not be crazy colorful dyed hairs for the sake of school appearance. Same for eye color for the sake of realism.


10. Dress and Appearance should not be skimpy or deemed as improper attire. This applies to casual clothing, swim wear, work out gear, pajamas and other situational outfits.


Examples of inappropriate attire:


Excessive Cleavage, pantie strings showing, fishnets and clothing with sexual connotations, exposed breasts, exposed crotch, etc.

Discretion is left up to Faculty or Prefect on scene who if not sure will get clarification.


11. Panties and underwear will be full cut, color doesn't matter as long as you aren't pulling strings up your cheeks. No thongs or crotchless panties.


12. Hats or head-coverings will only be uniform approved hats. See list below. Hats and head-coverings are allowed in casual dress.

Approved headwear in Uniform:


  • Ribbons, bows, other hair ties.

  • Earmuffs ( Winter only)

  • Winter knit caps in traditional colors (Winter Only)

  • Boater Hat for field Trips


13. The production of or creation of uniform items featuring school colors, school emblems and branding will be unauthorized until approved by the Head of Sky Haven Academy and owner of the Sky Haven Academy intellectual property. Approval before being worn in uniform will be needed before any item is authorized.


Note: Creating items using our colors, crest or school name without permission hurts the image of Sky Haven Academy and should not be done.

14. Uniform Backpacks are approved at Sky Haven Academy but students will be responsible to buy and wear their own backpacks from an SHA approved list.

- Approved colors for backpacks are Brown tones and Black tones in uniform and will be worn neatly in uniform. Backpacks may be worn during Assemblies but will be inspected if worn.

- Backpacks will be removed during classroom activities the same as overcoats.

Sky Haven Academy

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